I’m playing along with Bloggaritaville’s “Thrifty Thursday”.

Today after getting some errands run at BAMC, I decided to venture over to a nearby Goodwill.  There are a few things that I was looking for but I also wanted to check out the quality of our nearest GW.  I wasn’t all that impressed with the layout.  The GW in Columbus was new and had a great layout.  This one’s housewares stuff was way too spread out and there was almost no furniture.  I’m also pretty sure that if a cashier hadn’t intervened there would’ve been a fight over “who was first in line” between an old hippie and an older woman who he thought line jumped.  Craziness.  I plan on checking out other Goodwills in the near future.  But, all that aside, I found a few things and promptly got to work transforming them when I got home.

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Cardboard boxes come in handy as a makeshift dropcloth!  And you know I have plenty of those around here!

The before: a bare wood Lazy Susan was $3.99.

The after: I painted it with Valspar “Porcelain” white spray paint, satin finish, from Lowes.  I couldn’t find the famous “Heirloom White” that everyone around the blogs uses.  Anyone know what brand that is?  Krylon?  It was super windy outside so that’s why all the paint is going towards the left!  I have a plan for this Lazy Susan but I’ll show y’all that in the future when it’s all put together.

Before #2:  A cute little lamp.  It looked like a previous owner had the same idea I did.  Based on the color underneath the chips, it looked like it was a glossy maroon lamp that someone painted black.  All it needed was another coat to cover up the chips.

After #2:  This was taken immediately after I painted it so it looks glossier than it will be.  I also got a nice, beige-y gold shade (didn’t get a picture of it).  I plan on putting the finished product in my kitchen.  Now that I’m looking, I probably should’ve protected the cord a little better…oh well, c’est la vie!

Before #3:  This cute little flower mirror.  I took this after I cleaned the mirror…it was FILTHY!  I wish I’d remembered to take it before I cleaned it so y’all could’ve seen how gross it was!  The messy mirror and a broken hook were the only things this little guy needed.

After #3:  Here it is all finished.  I went to Lowe’s to get the paint and a new hook.  They didn’t have any hooks with the angled screw holes so I bought a hook that was similar in size to the old one, screwed one screw into an old hole and then had to drill a new hole for the 2nd screw.  And, I couldn’t find my cordless drill so I had to do it by hand.  After stripping out the “X” on the top of one screw, I finally got one in.  This will either go in Aidan’s room or bathroom…I’ll have to ask her where she wants it.

So that’s it!  My first foray into “Thrifty Thursday”.  In all, I spent around $15 on the stuff from Goodwill and about $7 on the paint and $7 on the new lampshade (GW didn’t have any so I bought new…it was on clearance at Lowes, though!)  Not too bad, if I don’t say so myself.

ETA:  I brought the pieces in from drying outside.  Here’s the sorta finished product of the lamp.  I think it either needs a ribbon or a tassel.  Considering how I suck at tying pretty bows, I’m leaning towards tassel to add a little flair.  I have it stacked on some vintage children’s books that I bought back in Georgia and were sitting on top of the fridge since we moved and I unpacked them.